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2023 OWHC-AP ÄÜÅÙÃ÷ Å©¸®¿¡ÀÌÅÍ ¸ðÁý: 2023 OWHC-AP Contents Creators!

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¸¶°¨ 2023.02.01
~  2023.02.14


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¢Â2023 OWHC-AP ÄÜÅÙÃ÷ Å©¸®¿¡ÀÌÅÍ ¸ðÁý

2023 OWHC-AP Contents Creators!



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Who is this for? Youths passionate about World Heritage Cities (up to 10 people)



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Who can apply? Undergraduate or graduate university students, or youths who are interested in World Heritage Cities and the Lives of their Residents!



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Extra points for applicants who are majoring or minoring in Heritage-related fields, urban redevelopment; or people who have interests or hobbies in such fields; or residents in World Heritage Cities



2023. 3. ~ 11. (9°³¿ù)

long does this program last? From March to November, 2023 (for 9 months)



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Activities as a Contents Creator include:

- Creating contents on World Heritage, World Heritage Cities, other OWHC-AP related events and activities

(Please note that you are highly encouarged to incorporate news or the latest scholarly findings in your contents!)

- coverage of major OWHC-AP events and activities (such as the 4th OWHC-AP Regional Conference, Hands-in-Hands Camp, and others this year (2023)

- covering the OWHC-AP Member Cities and create promotional contents about them

- posting your contents on the OWHC-AP Social Media platforms (official website, Youtube, Instagram, blog, and so on)

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Support from the OWHC-AP

- Monthly payment to you for your contents (KRW 100,000, with a possible additional amount of KRW 50,000)

- Certificate of your activities as a 2023 OWHC-AP Contents Creators (after the term is over)

- Support for your offline trip for creating contents include: covering your transport fares (no airfare, however), a bit of money for your meals and snacks per day.



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How do I apply? Please download and fill out the attached application form, and email it by February 14th, 2023 (Korean Standard Time) to owhc-ap@korea.kr


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2023³â 2¿ù 20ÀϱîÁö °³º° email·Î Å뺸ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.

If you are selected for an interview, we will email you by February 20th, 2023.



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Interview (in case of too many applicants or other conditions)

- Date: February 22nd or 23rd, 2023 (Korean Standard Time)

- Time: We will contact you to arrange the time between you and us for the interview on Zoom.



2023³â 2¿ù 24ÀÏ(±Ý), °³º° email Å뺸

Announcement of the Selections: February 24th, 2023. The selected applicants will receive an email from us individually.


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2023³â 2¿ù 28ÀÏ(È­)

Zoom orientation: February 28th, 2023


2023 OWHC-AP ÄÜÅÙÃ÷ Å©¸®¿¡ÀÌÅÍ ¸ðÁý: 2023 OWHC-AP Contents Creators!


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[Ãßõ°ø¸ðÀü] ¼¼Á¾Çдç ÀÎÅÏ ±³¿ø ³×ÀÌ¹Ö °ø¸ðÀü (~11/21)

2023.10.20 ~ 2024.11.21

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[°í¿ë³ëµ¿ºÎ] 2024 ¹Ì·¡³»ÀÏÀÏ°æÇè ÀÎÅÏ½Ê Âü¿©ÀÚ ¸ðÁý

2024.04.16 ~ 2024.12.31

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2024.03.27 ~ 2024.10.11

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2024.06.20 ~ 2024.08.16

µµ½É ¼Ó ¹°Àç»ý½Ã¼³À» Áñ±â´Ù, µµ½Ã¶ô °ø¸ðÀü


2023 OWHC-AP ÄÜÅÙÃ÷ Å©¸®¿¡ÀÌÅÍ ¸ðÁý: 2023 OWHC-AP Contents Creators!